Afghanistan: The Hard Part is Just Beginning

By Cameron Munter, Skytop Contributor / October 4th, 2021 


Cameron Munter served as ambassador to Pakistan at the time of the Bin Laden raid.  He was ambassador to Serbia during the Kosovo independence crisis.  He served twice in Iraq, in Mosul as Provincial Reconstruction Leader and in Baghdad as Deputy Chief of Mission.  In the course of three decades as a career diplomat, he was also NSC Director in the Clinton and Bush White Houses, and served overseas in Warsaw, Prague, and Bonn.  

Munter studied at Cornell and earned a PhD in history from Johns Hopkins, and has taught at Pomona College, Columbia University School of Law, and UCLA.    

Currently a global consultant living in Prague, Munter was President and CEO of the East West Institute, a nonprofit engaged in global conflict prevention.  He is member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the American Academy of Diplomacy and serves on numerous corporate and nonprofit boards. 

From the War on Terror to… 

In Washington, in policy circles, the debate over the American withdrawal from Afghanistan continues.  In his testimony before Congress on October 28, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Mark Milley called it a tactical success (that actual withdrawal of troops) but a strategic failure (the enterprise in general).  No doubt experts will continue to swarm on the topic, but most of the American (and indeed, western) press has already moved on, accepting the premise that the twenty-year phase of policies loosely called the war on terror has ended and the new phase of great power competition – especially Sino-American competition – has begun. 

But before short attention spans take us from the topic, let’s look at two elements of America’s departure from Afghanistan: the impact on how American foreign policy operates, and the impact on the situation on the ground in South Central Asia. 

Americans United Over Afghanistan, Then… 

It’s hard to remember the fervor with which America, and its allies, went to war in Afghanistan after 9/11.  It wasn’t just the sense of outrage at the attacks on the World Trade Center.  It was also the event that focused a debate, in policy circles, about what America, the sole superpower at the turn of the century, would do with its might.  The nationalists (such as Richard Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld) wanted to expand American power; the neoconservatives (such as Paul Wolfowitz and Douglas Feith) wanted to transform the situation overseas to eliminate what they considered distortions that prevented a natural state of liberal democracy from flourishing.  And the unanimity of support for the Afghan war shows that this was not limited to Republican leaders but to Democrats as well.   

Our Domestic Discord Plays into American Foreign Policy  

Twenty years later, that set of assumptions – that America had the power to enforce its will, and that the assumption of the ultimate victory of liberal democracy – is no longer with us. More importantly, the context of the debate among Washington think-tanks or the Council on Foreign Relations is increasingly of less interest to electorates than it once was.  More often, public debate about foreign policy is seen as a part of a domestic crisis. Increasingly, rather than wondering about the mistakes of the past two decades in faraway lands, there is the common assertion that the Cold War is over, and the gangsters won.   

One need look no farther than the new book by Brookings scholar (and Trump administration survivor) Fiona Hill, which states clearly and passionately that the only way for America to compete world-wide is to clean up its act at home.  And she is not alone in making this claim. 

Tanks or Banks: The Decay of Diplomacy and the Rise of Military Engagement 

What, then, does that mean for the way America looks at the world after Afghanistan? For one thing, we’re almost certainly not going to get involved in similar expeditions anytime soon.  There’s no appetite for new wars in Afghanistan, or Iraq, or anywhere else.  And yet we’ve built up a foreign policy apparatus that’s highly militarized, and the soldiers (and diplomats and other practitioners of U.S. foreign policy) are trained for and accustomed to a kind of approach to the world where the principal element of American presence is military.   

We don’t want to fight the wars of the last two decades anymore.   

But the structures of decision-making – the overwhelming role of military calculation in foreign policy and the exponential expansion of the partnership of military and intelligence assets – have made it hard for us to do much of anything else.   

Diplomacy has steadily weakened, as diplomats find it harder and harder to emerge from fortified embassies to gain an understanding of their host countries, and indeed, domestic polarization leads us to a situation where, of sixty ambassadorial nominations made by the President, only one has been confirmed.  My point is this: we may have decided we don’t want to continue to engage in foreign policy as we have for the last couple of decades, but we still have the structures and personnel and budgets and attitudes that we’ve used since 9/11.   

We may not be in Afghanistan anymore, but the way we were in Afghanistan (our massive embassies, our sprawling USAID programs, military efforts at state building) is still around. 

New Approaches to Foreign Policy Require Seismic Change — And Time 

So, to the first question, on the impact of the withdrawal from Afghanistan on U.S. foreign policy, look for disjuncture, at least for now.  Our minds may be elsewhere, but our body is built for the approaches of the 9/11 era.  The officers who run our military will, for years to come, have formed their opinions and had their experiences in wars like Afghanistan.  The diplomats who will become the leaders of our foreign service will, for years to come, have formed their opinions and had their experiences serving alongside a much more powerful military.  The debate may move on to new challenges.   

However, expect that the machinery will take some time to retool. 

The Beginning of an Economic Fallout and a Lingering Power Vacuum  

Even as Washington struggles to move forward in a post-Afghanistan era, Afghanistan and its neighbors will not stand still.  The Taliban’s return will not be easy.  Those who remember Kabul in 2001 have images of a bleak landscape that had been mismanaged in the 1990s.  Kabul today is a much larger city of many millions, replete with everything from modern shopping malls to giant office buildings.  It’s no doubt true that the way America transformed this city, and many other parts of Afghanistan, was not sustainable; western governments underwrote expansion that continued, to the very end, to depend on more outside support, thus providing educational achievements, improvements in public health, and business opportunities for the Afghan people.   

Skilled journalists have written in recent days of the complexity of the task facing the Taliban: on the one hand, in the countryside, many of the poorer communities are simply relieved that the fighting has ended and are thus likely to give credit to the Taliban for bringing peace even if they disagree with other elements of governance.  But in the mega-capital, and in provincial cities like Herat or Jalalabad, holding things together will be more difficult. 

Into this power vacuum will come Afghanistan’s neighbors.   

Pakistan has the greatest stake in Afghan stability, and its leaders are deeply worried that the satisfaction of seeing the war end (and the often-unstated pleasure of seeing America’s reputation take a hit) may soon fade if Afghanistan is ungovernable.  Both Pakistan and Iran host millions of Afghan refugees, many of them displaced for decades, and neither country wants to see this burden increase.   

China, always cautious, may wish to see Afghanistan as a new pillar in its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) of infrastructure expansion.  But the Communist Party of China and the Taliban are not exactly natural partners, and an unsettled country is a hard place to build power plants, pipelines, and railways.  Russia, like China, would like to ensure that its own security is not threatened by a new and unstable Afghanistan, and may seek to press its Central Asian friends to prevent a rise of violence.  But even if these “friends” – Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Kirghizstan on the front lines – may not always see eye-to-eye with Russia, and have sizable ethnic populations in Afghanistan itself, further complicating the picture.   

India, which among regional powers had committed the most money and effort to support the previous Afghan government, has taken a hit, and will back away from the new Afghanistan for now. 

It may be fashionable for those who decry America’s withdrawal to portray a new Afghanistan as a potentially hapless victim of regional power grabs.  But if you look at Afghanistan from the perspective of its neighbors, often it’s fear of chaos that motivates them, not hopes for easy victories.   

I recall, many years ago, when I was American ambassador in Pakistan, hearing from very senior Chinese officials that their nightmare was an American departure.  “Who else,” they would say, “will protect our investments and keep radical Islam at bay?” 

Shoes Too Great to Fill and Many Unclear Steps Ahead 

An article such as this can conclude with the phrase “at the end of the day…” But we’re not at the end of the day at all. We’re still in the very beginning of seeing how the American withdrawal from Afghanistan will affect us and the region.  Expect that the debate in Washington will continue, even if it slowly loses steam as other problems, domestic and foreign, take its place on the stage.  Expect that the calls for new approaches to American foreign policy that move on from the last two decades will slam directly into the structures and budgets of the American defense establishment, because those who are called upon to face the new challenges are precisely those trained to face the old ones (with often tragic results).   

And, expect that the vacuum left by the American withdrawal may not simply be filled by others, but rather, with an even more complex phase in the future of this most unfortunate of countries, Afghanistan. 


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